Monday, October 10, 2016

The Right Timing for The Right Choices

According Rebecca Newton - Forbes Contributor, the perfect timing can make a good idea great. No doubt you have lots of ideas about how your area or business could move forward. If not, it’s most likely you just need to put more time aside to give yourself headspace and think up some ideas. Good ideas are only great when the internal conditions and external market are right for them. A seemingly good idea can be quite frustrating when it’s not in line with current strategic goals and business needs. Give consideration to the wider strategy of your area or the business overall. Don’t just capture your ideas, also note down what conditions are best for the idea to add maximum value. When would this really propel the business? Then when those conditions arise internally or in the market, the usefulness and potential of your idea will be multiplied. Successful people don’t just have great ideas – they consistently share great ideas that match the current broader goals, challenges and potential of the business.
Take Your Time - Take Techtrials

Techtrials International

Techtrials launch the GLOBAL TRIALS NETWORK ®
October 7, 2016
Techtrials International

Global Trials Network ®


Techtrials developed a network of validated premium partners that operates in a global scale. The global project management is done by our experienced management team while local knowledge is leveraged to streamline the regulatory and operations for each country/region.
  • Global reach - USA, Canada, Latin America, Europe (Eastern and Western), Africa, Asia-Pacific;
  • Centrally managed, global operational teams;
  • Local expertise, high quality and flexibility for each sponsor and study;
  • You pick only those countries that are most favorable for your study recruitment.

    Call Now Brazil: +55 11 3033-9740
    Call Now USA: + 1 877 309 1086

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Specialty CROs Market

Specialty CROs Market, 2016-2025 was published in February 12, 2016 by Roots Analysis. 

The biopharmaceutical industry has been witnessing a significant paradigm shift in R&D outsourcing over the last few years. Specialty CROs have emerged as credible players in the market to overcome the shortcomings of full service / traditional CROs. The concept of speciality CROs continues to evolve as these organizations adopt new strategies to provide their sponsors improved services in terms of both quality and efficiency.

Considering that a major proportion of revenues for large CROs is generated by big pharma companies, gaps exist when it comes to providing services to smaller pharma / biotech companies. Specifically, they often fail to align their efforts to meet the requirements of low key sponsors / start-ups. Specialty CROs, on the other hand, specialize in niche areas catering to either specific clinical / preclinical services or providing services in a particular disease area. Typically outsourced services include data management, site monitoring and project management but nowadays core services such as pharmacovigilance, target evaluation, formulation development, cell line development, toxicology studies and medical imaging are also being outsourced to these CROs. 

Despite the widening array of services offered by these CROs, they have found it challenging to gain a higher share in the market, which is currently dominated by larger and more well-established players. However, they have created an opportunity by offering improved, customized and relatively economical services to newer / smaller clients in the sector. Novel business models and strategic partnerships among established and emerging players have opened new avenues to effectively tackle issues such as rising development costs, inefficient protocols and unorganized business processes.

As the demand of novel therapies for various therapeutic areas is expected to rise steadily, the market is optimistic about the future of these smaller research firms, which have driven an innovative approach to drug research and development. There are a number of upcoming opportunities that can enrich the service portfolio of speciality CROs gradually strengthening their presence in an otherwise consolidated market. 

It is worth highlighting that despite the fact that established pharmaceutical companies have in-house R&D and clinical development capabilities, the opportunity for speciality CROs is growing. The future evolution of this market will be primarily driven by the relatively fast paced growth of the overall pharma industry and the innovations / developments taking place in R&D.

Friday, August 5, 2016

Techtrials Expands In North America

Techtrials Brazil, the leading Brazilian CRO, has grown exponentially in the past 5 years (CAGR +59%) by delivering highest quality research and outsourcing services coupled with distinctive responsiveness and expertise. 

Techtrials is the preferred vendor of the largest multinational and Brazilian pharmaceutical companies and is successfully audited by multiple Pharma Companies and highly rated by D&B.

Techtrials International is building on the record of excellence of Techtrials Brazil to extend its mission in North America with the opening of its Miami office.

Techtrials Plays Major Role In Brazilian Delegation at BIO Convention 2016 - San Francisco

 Techtrials Team at CTPI - 6th Clinical Trial Innovation Programe 2016 - Miami

Techtrials - The Leading Brazilian CRO

Techtrials Team

Douglas Andreas Valverde, PharmD

Fabio Deleuse
Executive VP Business Development Latin America

Cristiane Mendes Maia, PharmD
Director of Clinical Operations

Marise Gomes, MD MHS PhD
Chief Medical Officer - North America

Monday, June 6, 2016

Techtrials, The Leading Brazilian CRO

Techtrials International, North America CRO

Marise Gomes 
Chief Medical Officer | North America

New York | New York
United States
Tel:  + 1 609.937.5225
Skype: marisegomes

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

code blue: redefining american medicine

I'm really grateful, proud, motivated and immensely happy to be assistance producer of "code blue: redefining american medicine". A documentary focused on health promotion, prevention and reversion of diseases. It's about lifestyle medicine and it's impact on life, health and wellbeing.

CODE BLUE: via youtube

Join us... 
Like us...
Watch the trailer...
Help us, "code bluers" to redefine the American medicine...

Dear friends, I'm count on your supporting : ) — in New York, New York.

Zika Virus and Olympic Games

Monday, May 16, 2016

Global Health myAction: Psychiatry in Modern Psychedelia

Global Health myAction: Psychiatry in Modern Psychedelia

Psychiatry in Modern Psychedelia

Modern scientists are studying hallucinogens’ potential to help smokers kick the habit, to undo addictions to drugs and alcohol, to cope with cluster headaches and depression, and to deal with obsessive-compulsive and post-traumatic stress disorders. 

Psilocybin, while not addictive, remains a taboo everywhere. Researchers need a dispensation from the Food and Drug Administration, a licensing from the Drug Enforcement Administration and the approval of professional boards. 

If anything, today’s scientists want to be seen as the anti-Learys. "Anti-Leary" is the term used by Dr. Charles Grob to describe the outlook he shares with other members of the new professional class of psychedelic researchers. This attitude is echoed elsewhere by some of the earliest and most influential proponents of legitimized psychedelic research, who invoke the dangers of "unsupervised" and "uncontrolled" use of psychedelics, and lament the "misuse and improper use" that, in their judgment, characterized the "drug culture" of the 1960s and 70s. Their experiments bear no resemblance to the freestyle acid-dropping of the ’60s. Patients are screened and prepped on what they may expect, and then closely monitored.

The video is part of a documentary series presented by The New York Times. The video project was started with a grant from Christopher Buck. Retro Report has a staff of 13 journalists and 10 contributors led by Kyra Darnton. It is a nonprofit video news organization that aims to provide a thoughtful counterweight to today’s 24/7 news cycle. Previous episodes are at To suggest ideas for future reports, email

Saturday, April 2, 2016

Health Promotion

#DrMarise #MedicalCommunication #HealthPromotion #HealthEducation #MedicalAdvisor

Less can be More

Less can be More
As physicians, health providers and health system members, what have we been doing for our patients? Maybe, doing a good job, following exactly the standard sequence of the medical procedures. Filling our forms, asking questions, performing physical exams, evaluating mental and psychological conditions, observing behaviors, taking notes, requesting blood tests, radiologic exams, endoscopic views, pathologic analyses... diagnosing, establishing treatments, prescribing medications, performing surgical procedures and offering a list of DOs and DON'Ts...
And, after all of this, why is it that “my patients won’t do what they are supposed to do?"
Many options, possibilities, information, paperwork, technologies, medicines, techniques, alternatives and approaches, can easily distract health professionals and patients. Therefore, doubts, questions, worries, fear and unreliability appears. 
Maybe, if the medical-patient relationship and education were the focus of the medical care, the distractions could be avoided and the reasons could be understood, the doubts could be clarified. 
A good medical-patient relationship involves commitment, confidence and reliability. It eliminates the barrier between both of them and together they become a team, only one side. And, with collaboration, education and comprehension, the engagement comes naturally as well as the achievement of a better health and wellbeing.
Working with patients to achieve better health is the essence of patient engagement.

Physicians Burnout: American Health Care System Crises. #PhysiciansBurnout #DrMarise #HealthPromotion #MedicalCommunication