Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Youth and Human Rights

Every step towards progress actually does start with young people!

- more than half the world’s population is under the age of 30 
- nearly 90 percent of them live in developing countries

Young people are:
- the most likely to stand up against human rights abuses 
- the most susceptible to being abused

According to the International Labor Organization/ ILO:
- more youth are poor or underemployed than ever before 
- unemployed youth lose confidence in the society 
- youth are more vulnerable to labor exploitation  

"It is not so much joblessness as hopelessness that threatens our future" - Aung San Suu Kyihe 

The incorporation of the youth priorities into democratic transitions during a time of global unemployment and disenfranchisement must be done! 

Gender-Based Violence
- gender-based violence is a global epidemic 
- disproportionately affects women and girls
- it crosses every social & economic class, ethnicity, race, religion, disability & education level
- it transcends international borders
- it's an affront to human dignity 
- it increases girls’ vulnerability, threatens their health & full enjoyment of their human rights 

Ensure that girls and boys live a life free from violence or threat of violence in order to reach their full potential is a mandatory action! 

Rights of Persons with Disabilities
- there are an estimated one billion people with disabilities worldwide
- many are young men and women, boys and girls 
- they are stigmatized, relegated to the margins & treated like second-class citizens. 
- 90 percent of children with disabilities in developing countries do not attend school (UNESCO)
- some are warehoused from birth, denied a birth certificate or tragically killed 
- disabled people are 3 times more likely to be victims of physical, sexual abuse and rape
- LGBT youth are particularly vulnerable to official and societal violence and discrimination

"The world ignores youth at its peril" - Hillary Clinton

It's often said: 
- young people will determine the future
- they are the leaders of tomorrow 
It's true! But… 
- the youth also determine the present
- They are leaders of today 

We should follow their lead… and… together, build a world where all people “are born free and equal in rights and dignity” - The Universal Declaration

Youth and Human Rights

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