Sunday, March 27, 2011

Global Health Positive Behaviors

There is no doubts that the practice of enjoyable activities (such as sports, music and arts), entertaining programs (such as cinema, live theater and shows), satisfying social and familiar lives leads to well-being, motivation and knowledge that are significant requirements to improve health.    
Taking into account the demanding modern world some of those practices are kept aside. It’s a challenge to Global Health Foundations assisting the behavioral changes towards positive health outcomes. Based on proven theories and models of healthy behavior. 
Assume that health behaviors are complex and influenced by different factors, both internal and external to the individual. Currently, the programs to achieve the positive behavior have been based on identification of  significant factors with potential to be changed from the interventions. Those factors must consider the strategic choices in targeting internal factors (self-efficacy), external factors (access to products and services) and indirect factors (culture and religion).
Creative and entertaining communication programs, using media and interpersonal channels and informed by audience research and pre-testing are fundamental components to succeed on behavioral changes interventions. The most effective messages promote benefits that people really want; persuade people that they have the ability to change and convince people that the change is socially acceptable.
Combined strategies such as simple actions by the individual, family, and community, stimulated by behavioral change communication (BCC) or social marketing programs, produce arguments for reducing morbidity and improving well-being. However, health institutions services lead to a deep impact on individual decisions, improving skills and promoting individualized adequacy of the behavior change strategy. Likewise, advocacy strategies may be called in to sanction a new law or change a policy that is impeding the action. Multiple interventions guarantee behavior changes and are sustained over time.

DalaiLama Dalai Lama
RT by ncbennevis
As well as restraining ourselves from negative thoughts and emotions, we need to cultivate and reinforce our positive qualities.

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